Services »
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the Central library and all branches for The University staff and students under the network called RU-WiFi.
- Access is given to member who has a wireless enabled device and a RU account.
- For health and safety reason, electronic devices are not allowed to put on charge in the library
- The library also provides access to several bibliographic and full-text electronic databases
- Scan for Wi-Fi network connection.
- Click on ‘Refresh network list’ to find an access point.
- The system will show Wi-Fi network under the name RU-WiFi (Unsecured wireless network).
- If RU-WiFi network cannot be located , please click ‘Refresh network list’ again.
- The system will find an IP address, Gateway, and DNS.
- User should be able to open Internet Explorer browser immediately.
- Building 1: First floor to Fifth floor.
- Building 2: First floor and Second floor at Serial Department.
- Building 3: First floor to Third floor.