Building 1 : General books class A – Z.

Building 1 Floor 1
  • Circulation Counter
  • Book Borrowing and Returning Service
  • Membership Registration Service
  • Self-Checkout Machine
  • Book Return Machine (24/7)
  • Computer for searching library resources (WebPAC)
  • Training room.
Circulation Counter Self-Checkout Machine
Building 1 Mezzanine Floor
  • Priority Reading Zone for Priest
Building 1 Floor Mezzanine : Priority Reading Zone for Priest Building 1 Floor Mezzanine : Priority Reading Zone for Priest Building 1 Floor Mezzanine : Priority Reading Zone for Priest
Building 1 Floor 2 : Reserved books
  • Ramkhamhaeng University Textbooks
  • Fictions
  • Novels
  • Short story collections
  • Juviniles
  • RU Textbooks Exchange Corner
RU Library Building 1 Floor 2 : Ramkhamhaeng University Textbooks RU Library Building 1 Floor 2 : Fictions, Novels, Short story collections and Juviniles
RU Library Building 1 Floor 2 : RU Textbooks Exchange Corner RU Library Building 1 Floor 2  : Reading Zone
Building 1 Floor 3 : General books class A – H

General books class A – H

  • General Work: Polygraphy
  • Philosophy and Religion
  • History : Auxiliary Sciences
  • History : General
  • History : America
  • Geography, Anthropology, Folklore
  • Social Science
RU Library Building 1 Floor 3 RU Library Building 1 Floor 3
Building 1 Floor 4 : General books class J – P

General books class J – P

  • Political Science
  • Music
  • Law
  • Fine Arts
  • Education
  • Philology and Literature
RU Library Building 1 Floor 4 RU Library Building 1 Floor 4
RU Library Building 1 Floor 4
Building 1 Floor 5 : General books class Q – Z

General books class Q – Z

  • Science
  • Military Science
  • Medicine
  • Naval Science
  • Agriculture
  • Bibliography and Library Science
  • Technology
RU Library Building 1 Floor 5 RU Library Building 1 Floor 5

Building 2

Building 2 Floor 1
  • Current bound and back issues of Foreign periodicals
  • Current issues and 3 months back issues of newspapers
  • Capital Market Knowledge (SET corner)
  • Group Study Room
RU Library Building 2 Floor 1 : Group Study Room RU Library Building 2 Floor 1 : Current issues and 3 months back issues of newspapers RU Library Building 2 Floor 1 : Current bound and back issues of Foreign periodicals
Building 2 Floor 2
  • Current bound and back issues of Thai periodicals
  • Academic Journal of RU
  • Pamphlets
  • Current Awareness Information
RU Library Building 2 Floor 2 RU Library Building 2 Floor 2
RU Library Building 2 Floor 2 RU Library Building 2 Floor 2

Building 3

Building 3 Floor 1
  • Theses
  • Dissertations
  • Government Gazettes
  • Supreme Court Judgments
  • Siam Archives
  • Festschrifts
  • Multimedia Service
  • Study Room for Graduate Student and Ph.D. Student
  • Computer for searching library resources (WebPAC)
  • Extension Lead Borrowing Service
RU Library Building 3 Floor 1 : Theses and Dissertations RU Library Building 3 Floor 1 : Multimedia Service
RU Library Building 3 Floor 1 RU Library Building 3 Floor 1 : Study Room for Graduate Student and Ph.D. Student
Building 3 Floor Mezzanine
  • Interlibrary Loan Service.
  • Library Customer Service.
  • Ph.D. Service.
Building 3 Floor 2
  • Government Publications
  • Ramkhamhaeng University Publications
  • ASEAN Publications
  • Extension Lead Borrowing Service
RU Library Building 3 Floor 2 RU Library Building 2 Floor 2 : ASEAN Publications RU Library Building 2 Floor 2
Building 3 Floor 3
  • Rare Books
  • Reference Books
  • Room for Information Retrieval Service
  • Extension Lead Borrowing Service
RU Library Building 3 Floor 3 : Reference Books RU Library Building 3 Floor 3 : Room for Information Retrieval Service
RU Library Building 3 Floor 3 : Reading Zone RU Library Building 3 Floor 3 : Rare Books
Building 3 Floor 4

Exhibition Room.

RU Library Building 3 Floor 4 : Exhibition Room. RU Library Building 3 Floor 4 : Exhibition Room. RU Library Building 3 Floor 4 : Exhibition Room.