Regulations for Visitors to RU Central Library Visitors are welcome and required to comply with the following regulations:
  • Personal possessions brought into the Library remain the responsibility of the owner.
  • Eating and smoking are not allowed in the Library.
  • Visitors must ensure that the use of mobile phone does not disturb other readers.
  • Visitors are not allowed to take library materials out of the library with permission.
  • Anyone behaving in a manner demonstrating a lack of respect for other users may be asked to leave the Library.
  • Users should respect the rights of other Library users and keep noise to a minimum in all areas.
  • Visitors are to access to the Library in a designated area only.
  • Readers should respect the fabric of the building and ensure they do not cause any damage to the materials, furniture or facilities.
  • Failure to comply with the Library regulations is a serious matter and will be reported to the appropriate authorities. This may result in suspension of library use and prosecution.
Library rules and regulations
  • Turn off your mobile phone.
  • Silence to be maintained.
  • No food is allowed in the library.
  • No smoking in the library
  • Leave big bag in the locker provided.
  • Allow library staff to check your bag and books before leaving the library.